Monday, January 02, 2006

New twist on New Year's Resolutions

Having only seen the Chronicles of Narnia movie once, I resolve to see it at least 4 more times...

Seriously, my family tried something new this year and actually made some New Year's resolutions. Having never done resolutions as a family, we tried out a method for coming up with ideas.

Each person was allowed to suggest one resolution (only positive ones) for one other person, one resolution for him/herself, and one for the family as a unit. So, only for an example, my husband could suggest that I write the book I am always talking about writing but not make comments on how neat the living room looks.

With those boundaries, the idea worked pretty well! I was impressed with the great suggestions my teenager came up with for making family life more fun for 2006.

On another New Year note, my favorite movies of 2005, ranked in order of most liked:
1. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
2. Howl's Moving Castle
3. Batman Begins
4. Memoirs of a Geisha
5. Madagascar